Auditorio del Museo Berardo, Lisbona

Seguindo o rasto de Lygia Clark,
23 Aprile 2013, invited by Istituto di Storia dell’arte di Lisbona, Giulia Lamoni, Margarida Brito Alves, with Francesca Zappia , Liliana Coutinho, auditorium of
Museo Berardo, Lisbona.

This archive shows the process of my research. It starts from an obsession, the obsession to identify with Lygia Clark’s personality, and to collect in a fetishist way all objects recalling her. But it is also, in my opinion, a way to pass on, by these significant objects, clues allowing everyone to reconstruct its own experience of the work of Lygia Clark. In fact, when displayed, this archive acts less as an archive than an atlas (intended as in the significant meaning of Aby Warburg’s Atlas of Mnemosyne), a network of knowledge built from images, documentation, part of Clark’s objects, etc.
This network of knowledge is weaved approaching the personality of Lygia Clark by people who knew her: we can see a text by Yves Alain Bois, a picture of Suely Rolnik or Alexandra Clark, copies of magazines of the Sixties, catalogues, etc (photos). This archive is important because it weaves a symbolic architecture around the figure of Lygia Clark, her historical and artistic context and reflects a system of connection of persons who knew her and that I met and with whom she spoke. Traces of Lygia Clark are important in the archive as well as in the film.
In a recent self-published booklet I weave a map of her encounters around the film, which are associated with those she made during her residence in Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro.

Mesopotamia , Milano
Il 4 maggio 2012

E’ stato presentato in anteprima a Milano il film “Sur les traces de Lygia Clark. Souvenirs et évocations de ses années parisiennes”, di Paola Anziché e Irene Dionisio.
Alessandra Sandrolini intervista Paola Anzichè sul suo lungo percorso di ricerca e sul dialogo con il lavoro dell’artista brasiliana, tra indagine documentaria, re-enactement e ri-appropirazione. Oltre all’esposizione di alcune opere fotografiche dell’artista milanese, in questa occasione il pubblico potra’ visionare liberamente i materiali d”archivio composti da testi, libri, fotografie e oggetti raccolti in vari anni di ricerca e preparazione del film.